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Breaking Capitalization Rules
This post on breaking capitalization rules is part of our blog series on creatively breaking grammar rules. Visit our first post in this series to learn more about this series and its goals! The focus of this post is one of the most basic conventions in the English language: capitalization. You know: making letters UPPERCASE…
To Break or Not To Break: Breaking Rules in Writing
A new blog series on why rules exist, when writers shouldn’t break them, and how writers can break them effectively Welcome to my new blog series! The series is dedicated to helping writers understand how they can break writing rules to achieve certain goals. The art of writing is often seen as a means to…
Fiction Writers Are Murderers: 12 Categories of Common Character Deaths
Fiction writers are murderers: the Gods of our worlds, the dealers of death. We ultimately decide which of our characters live and which of them die. We kill them for many reasons. This is a huge responsibility, and many fiction writers (for text, film, games, and more) have been criticized for their death-dealing methods, as…